Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Why not be transparent...?

People tend to have influence over others and, as long as they live, they want this influence to grow and grow and grow. This is what makes them happy and gives them the power they crave for. Even if it is about your boss at work or your friend at school, every man, in it's wild pursuit of being above the rest of his friends, wants to be appreciated in one way or another for what he is or what he can do. But in all this we forget that every move we do is not because "of what we are , but because of what HE did, and not because of what we did but because who HE is"(like a song says).

Let's not ever forget that we cannot do anything with the power we can show, or pretend to show. We all base our power on our cars and our money, we all say that we own things are call them "ours". He can say a word and everything you think you own is a thing of the past. When He tries to use us to show His glory to others people, they can't see Him because they always tend to see us and our facts. Being transparent will allow Him to work through us not with what we can do, but with what He can do using us. His power and love must light the path for the broken ones so they can came to Him, but when you show up all the time between them and God, they cannot see the light anymore.

Let His light shine for those who need light and protect the ones that found the light from loosing it in darkness.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Everyone wants to fly...

No matter how tall or short you are, how much money you have in the bank, how many days have passed since you first saw the light of the Sun, you, for sure, dreamed you were flying. Everyone has the desire, at least once in their lifetime, to be able to fly; to leave behind every burden that makes one walk on the ground, and rise up to touch the sky and the stars.

Do you feel that you are hard pressed by all the problems surrounding you everyday and you just need to fly away into some place where you can watch every problem from a distance, so you can feel that it will never get to you again? We, as humans, need to experience this once in a while, otherwise we'll just explode and became useless for the ones near us. So if you feel like me and want to be able to walk triumphant through every problem, without letting it touch you and with the power to solve it, learn how to fly... There's only one way... You cannot do it alone... You need a Master who can help you with it... You need Him.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Can you really stop the Sun?

How many times would you have liked the day to have 25 hours instead of 24? You just needed some more time to solve all of your problems and worries. It happened to me too, maybe several times and finally, I understood something. It's impossible. Can you really stop the Sun? Of course you can't. It only happened in all of history and it is said that it will never happen again. What can you do is to give your time to the One that's giving you the minutes and seconds. And you'll get to see how seconds and minutes will pass in your favor and not against you.

The Owner of space and time knows best when the Sun rises and falls down, just so for the next days to do the same thing again and again. Search for Him first with the time you have, and all other things will solve themselves , just like that. 'Cause He's the One who can stop the Sun ...

It's easier to be a shadow ... but still ... don't

Many times in life we feel freer to live with the memories we had in the past, memories of things that were, and if we try to bring the memories into today, we are afraid they will perish along with our courage to be ourselves and not the shadows from the past.

It's easier to be a shadow than to stand up and confront everything just being yourself. No one can really see a shadow's face or understand what it feels or thinks. So why not act like one? No one will ever judge me when I'm wrong, no one will ever laugh at my mystakes, so I'm just gonna put this "shadow" mask on and live my life like this; even if no one will ever appreciate the things I do... just because no one can really see a shadow. Tired of being a shadow? Come into the Light, live in brightness and bring hope to those who need your help so they can live in Light. 'Cause no one can really see a shadow...