Sunday, October 12, 2008

It's easier to be a shadow ... but still ... don't

Many times in life we feel freer to live with the memories we had in the past, memories of things that were, and if we try to bring the memories into today, we are afraid they will perish along with our courage to be ourselves and not the shadows from the past.

It's easier to be a shadow than to stand up and confront everything just being yourself. No one can really see a shadow's face or understand what it feels or thinks. So why not act like one? No one will ever judge me when I'm wrong, no one will ever laugh at my mystakes, so I'm just gonna put this "shadow" mask on and live my life like this; even if no one will ever appreciate the things I do... just because no one can really see a shadow. Tired of being a shadow? Come into the Light, live in brightness and bring hope to those who need your help so they can live in Light. 'Cause no one can really see a shadow...


Anonymous said...

Not all people like to go back in the past and live through memories.Some have so dark memories of the past that even a glipse back would hurt too much.I like leaving in the present and I look forward to encountering the future, a present and future so greatly prepared by the one and only Creator!"The grass points to the Creater and waterfalls thunder His name."

Anonymous said...

what do you do when all your dreams shatter? ... what do you do when you turn to God but He is not responding?what do you do when you feel you don't have enough power to get up?what do you do when you loose Him? ... :(