Let's not ever forget that we cannot do anything with the power we can show, or pretend to show. We all base our power on our cars and our money, we all say that we own things are call them "ours". He can say a word and everything you think you own is a thing of the past. When He tries to use us to show His glory to others people, they can't see Him because they always tend to see us and our facts. Being transparent will allow Him to work through us not with what we can do, but with what He can do using us. His power and love must light the path for the broken ones so they can came to Him, but when you show up all the time between them and God, they cannot see the light anymore.
Let His light shine for those who need light and protect the ones that found the light from loosing it in darkness.
Let His light shine for those who need light and protect the ones that found the light from loosing it in darkness.
I like the article a lot and I have a lot to say for my own, still you touched many deep issues which I'd like to tackle one at a time.It's bad to exercise your power on other people, but I think another important aspect is not to let yourself controled by others.Not to let your life controled by money, fame, friends nor your boss.Everything in life has a limit, and yes, God gave us power to deal with unimaginable things, but if your problem turns out to be so bad and it ends up changing your life for the worst, I wonder if the fight is worth it.Anyway God knows better what we can or can't handle, so when you feel under pressere or captured by the "magical things of this world", turn to him for answers and guidence cause He is an awesome God with a marvelous plan to unfold in your life and He is just waiting for you to open the door and invite Him in the home of your soul!
Respond to mustang
One thing I wanted to mention about " if the fight is worth it". When He gives us power to handle things, He also promises fight on our side so every battle we have will be won because who can stand against His power. As long as you stay under His protection nothing, I mean nothing, can harm you or change the way you live your life. Once you came to Him you no longer have to worry about things in your life, because from now on He's the one Who leads the way.
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