How many times would you have liked the day to have 25 hours instead of 24? You just needed some more time to solve all of your problems and worries. It happened to me too, maybe several times and finally, I understood something. It's impossible. Can you really stop the Sun? Of course you can't. It only happened in all of history and it is said that it will never happen again. What can you do is to give your time to the One that's giving you the minutes and seconds.
And you'll get to see how seconds and minutes will pass in your favor and not against you.The Owner of space and time knows best when the Sun rises and falls down, just so for the next days to do the same thing again and again. Search for Him first with the time you have, and all other things will solve themselves , just like that. 'Cause He's the One who can stop the Sun ...
I'm living proof of what you talked about.I too am an active person and I like filling my day with all kinds of activities.I'm also an eccentric person so everything I do takes a lot of my time.Besides that it's not once that people called me workaholic. ;)) As years passed and I continued what is thought to have become a routine; it inevitably let to me starting to have sleeping problems and tiredness, anger and frustration ruled my life.Moreover I started to learn what stress means and deadlines became my biggest enemy; not to mention fear.Anyway, I did recover from what happened, but not completely(which I guess I will never do).The physical was meant for me to take charge of, the rest of the problem I left in God's hands.Today I still have some problems with setting priorities, ordering activities and doing schedules but I keep my daily time with God and ask Him to help guide me in everything I do.The healing process is not easy and it doesn't happen over night, but as long as His peace governs my heart, I am willing to take baby steps to overcome this situation.
God, He created everything and after He was done creating the world, he looked at what He did and considered everything very good.It's the same God who thought it's best for the day to have 24 hours and not 25, and even if we don't understand why, we know that God loves us and He wants the best for us.So let's be thankful and make something great out of those 24 hours of each day!
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